Nonprofit Board Orientation

A nonprofit board is the entity which oversees your organization's fiduciary responsibilities and duties and steers it towards sustainable growth. They ensure that your nonprofit has the appropriate funds to accomplish its goals and that it's managed legally and ethically through the financial and governance policies. They also evaluate the performance of the executive director, compensation and other key management issues.

Nonprofit boards are typically composed of individuals who are connected to donors and other key members of the community, as well as people who are passionate about the cause and the goals. You should also seek out people who are detail-oriented to be able to comprehend the big picture and how the small pieces are connected and what is required in each department and how that affects the larger goal.

Board members should show an intense commitment to the nonprofit and its missions and be able to dedicate significant time and effort to meeting obligations. In addition, they must be able of clearly articulating the value they add as a trustee and the consequences of their decisions. They should be careful not to fall prey to gossip or rumor and they must not try to win favor among other trustees or employees by playing favorites.

It is crucial that your new board members are aware of their core responsibilities, and numerous organizations have orientation sessions to educate the new trustees on their fiduciary and legal obligations and other governance practices. They may be led by board members who are also your executive director.

board ceo and staff

Shaunte R. Turpin

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